Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Starts With Goodbye

"Sad, but sometimes
Moving on with the rest of your life
Starts with goodbye."

- Starts With Goodbye (Carrie Underwood)

This post has been a long time coming. However, it's still a little sad to actually write. For over 2 years this blog has been such a huge release for me. A place to express my fears, my joys and every other emotion that has popped up in there. It's got evidence of some of the happiest days of my life and sadly evidence of the saddest days of my life.

Our lives have taken such a dramatic turn that I have found this blog holding me back more than helping me move forward. I know I can't run away from the events that have lead up to this, but I feel like it's time for us to start anew. It's time for us to face, accept and embrace our reality. That reality would be, Childfree, not by choice.

We have another blog that we're working on. I haven't finished getting all the posts up yet, but they are definitely in the works. It'll be a blog focused around our actual lives, our home and this new reality of ours. I don't plan on posting that link here because I don't want the blogs connected. Though our past absolutely affects our present and future, it's time that we let this go. We cannot allow this part of our life to be what defines us.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, to comment and to allow me the chance to open up and be myself and let my feelings (sometimes very dark) out there. I wish everyone the very best and don't worry, we'll be okay.

Much Love Always.