One step at a time...
01/25/11 - CD1
02/17/11 - Cramps start
02/17/11 - Cramps start
02/17 - 22/11 - Multiple BFN's on $1 tests
02/23/11 - BFN on $1 test, BFP on Clear Blue Easy & First Response!!
03/05/11 - Back pain starts
03/06/11 - ER visit, possible ectopic ruled out, beta #1 @ 1011 & baby only measures 4w instead of 6w
03/07/11 - 1st OB visit, Beta #2 @1368 (33% increase)
03/09/11 - Beta #3 @ 1592 (16% increase)
03/14/11 - Beta #4 @ 3064 (92.5% increase)
03/16/11 - F/U U/S reveals....A HEALTHY BABY!! Heart rate at 117bpm and measuring 5w6d! I'm so in love!!
03/18/11 - Spotting. U/S shows Spawn is ok.
03/20/11 - Cramps & bleeding start at 4 am, u/s and exam confirm loss of Spawn. We love you baby!
03/21/11 - Post m/c beta #1 @ just over 1000
03/25/11 - Post m/c beta #2 @ 116
03/29/11 - Post m/c doc appt. Wait 2 cycles to start TTC again.
04/02/11 - M/C complete. Waiting for cycle to begin.
04/11/11 - Post m/c beta #3 @ <5
04/21/11 - Post m/c AF #1 (TTA Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD27, 10 day LP :(
05/28/11 - Post m/c AF #2 (TTA Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD21, 7 day LP....gloves are off & doctor is getting involved!
06/25/11 - Post m/c AF #3 (TTA Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD19, 8 day LP
07/01/11 - Placed on TTCAL hold until OB appointment on 08/25/11.
07/22/11 - Post m/c AF #4 (TTA Cycle #4), O confirmed on CD18, 11 day LP!
08/20/11 - Post m/c AF #5 (TTA Cycle #5), O confirmed on CD19, 8 day LP
08/25/11 - Met with OB and pulled off TTCAL hold. OB isn't sure about LPD, but ordered progesterone testing just to be safe.
09/09/11 - Blood drawn for progesterone test
09/16/11 - Post m/c AF #6 (TTA Cycle #6), O confirmed on CD19, 9 day LP
09/19/11 - Test results show low progesterone, repeat ordered for current cycle, back on TTCAL hold *botched testing*
10/07/11 - Blood drawn for 2nd progesterone test
10/12/11 - Test results come back that O did not occur *botched testing*
10/14/11 - Post m/c AF #7 (TTA Cycle #7), O confirmed on CD19, 9 day LP
10/27/11 - Meeting with new OB who confirmed LPD suspicion. OB has decided on Clomid & monitoring to see how my body responds. Cycle #8 will be our "go" cycle!!!!!!
11/11/11 - Post m/c AF #8 (TTCAL Cycle #1 - 50mg Clomid), O confirmed on CD19, 14 day LP!
12/06/11 - 7DPO blood work shows I did O, numbers slightly on the lower side, but still within healthy range (clarified with doc's office)
12/13/11 - Post m/c AF #9 (TTCAL Cycle #2 - 50mg Clomid), O confirmed on CD14, 16 day LP!
01/13/12 - Post m/c AF #10 (TTCAL Cycle #3 - 50mg Clomid),O confirmed on CD17, 12 day LP
02/11/12 - Post m/c AF #11 (TTCAL Cycle #4 - No Meds), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
02/11/12 - Decided to step back from the meds for a while and try the old fashioned way while we plan the trip of a lifetime.
03/08/12 - Post m/c AF #11 (Whatever Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD14, 12 day LP
03/26/12 - Doc appt with Dr. Awesome, he suspects something else might be up, orders a HSG & SA.
04/03/12 - Post m/c AF #12 (Whatever Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD16, 12 day LP
04/11/12 - HSG: Tubes open & clear. No abnormalities in the uterus. S/A: Count @ 117.5m, motility @ 70% (Both very good numbers!)
05/01/12 - Post m/c AF #12 (Whatever Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD17, 11 day LP
05/03/12 - Dr. Awesome bows out as treating physician. Referring us to an RE.
05/29/12 - Post m/c AF #13 (Whatever Cycle #4), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
06/09/12 - Giving up charting indefinitely
06/28/12 - Post m/c AF #14 (WTFever Cycle #5), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
07/25/12 - Post m/c AF #15 (TTA Cycle #8), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
08/23/12 - Post m/c AF #16 (TTA Cycle #9), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
09/05/12 - Yearly well woman w/ Dr. Awesome, he says no to new med & orders an u/s to rule out uterine polyps due to abnormal bleeding
09/18/12 - Post m/c AF #17 (TTCAL take 2 Cycle #1), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
09/19/12 - U/S -- mostly "unremarkable", but a small uterine fibroid is present.
09/26/12 - Getting back on the TTCAL horse and praying for a miracle...
10/14/12 - Put a prayer request into the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem for a healthy baby. Got AF the same damn day.
10/14/12 - Post m/c AF #18 (TTCAL Take 2 Cycle #2 - Progesterone Cream), +HPT at 9DPO
11/10/12 - Positive First Response Early Response HPT!
11/12/12 - Beta #1 - HCG: 23; P4: 9
11/13/12 - Dr. Awesome adds Crinone 8% Gel x2 per day to supplement P4
11/14/12 - Beta #2 -HCG: 57; P4: 16
12/10/12 - Cramping & spotting starts
12/14/12 - Severe cramping & bleeding starts at 2am. U/S shows no heartbeat, but hasn't passed the tissue yet. Start misoprostol to complete the process. We love you sweet baby!
12/17/12 - Follow up u/s shows Offspring still has not passed. D&C scheduled.
12/21/12 - D&C
01/03/13 - Follow up Appointment with Dr. Put on bench for 3 cycles and blood work ordered to check for clotting disorders.
01/11/13 - AF #1 (TTA Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD 17, 8 day LP
01/16/13 - Doc orders fasting serum homocysteine blood test
01/28/13 - Test results appointment...normal except MTHFR C677T mutation
02/06/13 - AF #2 (TTA Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD18, 8 day LP
03/04/13 - AF #3 (TTCAL Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD17, 11 day LP
03/28/13 - Meeting w/ RE, regime of Femara + Crinone + TI decided
04/02/13 - Meeting with RE's finance dept to go over $, due to money have to delay 1 cycle
05/03/13 - AF #4 (TTCAL Cycle #2 - Medicated), O confirmed on CD 17, 10 day LP
05/17/13 - F/U U/S shows 1 18mm Follie on right ovary, 1 13mm Follie on left ovary. Ordered to hold off on trigger, but body starts to O on it's own anyway. Trigger shot that night.
05/30/13 - BFN. Our journey is done...
02/16/15 - Surprise BFP
02/23/15 - 1st OB appt & BW (HCG: 9,498; P4: 8.7), put on Crinone
03/04/15 - Spotting in the evening
03/05/15 - 2nd OB appt & u/s (Progeny measuring 7w1d, 4 day behind based on LMP, on target based on historial O data)
04/01/15 - 3rd OB appt & quick u/s. BP is unfortunately high so 24 hour urine collection ordered as well as blood work, also have to take BP x2 daily until f/u appointment. Got to see Progeny waving his/her arms on the quick scan.
04/10/15 - NTS (Nuchal Translucency Scan) at the high risk OB's office as well as blood work. Baby measuring 12w2d (4 days behind LMP, on target based on historical O data). NT measurement was 1.7 (highest reading, the others fell below that as she took multiple measurements based on baby's position and movement) and there was a longer nasal bone. Progeny is VERY active. F/U scheduled for 04/20/15 with high risk OB.
04/21/11 - Post m/c AF #1 (TTA Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD27, 10 day LP :(
05/28/11 - Post m/c AF #2 (TTA Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD21, 7 day LP....gloves are off & doctor is getting involved!
06/25/11 - Post m/c AF #3 (TTA Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD19, 8 day LP
07/01/11 - Placed on TTCAL hold until OB appointment on 08/25/11.
07/22/11 - Post m/c AF #4 (TTA Cycle #4), O confirmed on CD18, 11 day LP!
08/20/11 - Post m/c AF #5 (TTA Cycle #5), O confirmed on CD19, 8 day LP
08/25/11 - Met with OB and pulled off TTCAL hold. OB isn't sure about LPD, but ordered progesterone testing just to be safe.
09/09/11 - Blood drawn for progesterone test
09/16/11 - Post m/c AF #6 (TTA Cycle #6), O confirmed on CD19, 9 day LP
09/19/11 - Test results show low progesterone, repeat ordered for current cycle, back on TTCAL hold *botched testing*
10/07/11 - Blood drawn for 2nd progesterone test
10/12/11 - Test results come back that O did not occur *botched testing*
10/14/11 - Post m/c AF #7 (TTA Cycle #7), O confirmed on CD19, 9 day LP
10/27/11 - Meeting with new OB who confirmed LPD suspicion. OB has decided on Clomid & monitoring to see how my body responds. Cycle #8 will be our "go" cycle!!!!!!
11/11/11 - Post m/c AF #8 (TTCAL Cycle #1 - 50mg Clomid), O confirmed on CD19, 14 day LP!
12/06/11 - 7DPO blood work shows I did O, numbers slightly on the lower side, but still within healthy range (clarified with doc's office)
12/13/11 - Post m/c AF #9 (TTCAL Cycle #2 - 50mg Clomid), O confirmed on CD14, 16 day LP!
01/13/12 - Post m/c AF #10 (TTCAL Cycle #3 - 50mg Clomid),O confirmed on CD17, 12 day LP
02/11/12 - Post m/c AF #11 (TTCAL Cycle #4 - No Meds), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
02/11/12 - Decided to step back from the meds for a while and try the old fashioned way while we plan the trip of a lifetime.
03/08/12 - Post m/c AF #11 (Whatever Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD14, 12 day LP
03/26/12 - Doc appt with Dr. Awesome, he suspects something else might be up, orders a HSG & SA.
04/03/12 - Post m/c AF #12 (Whatever Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD16, 12 day LP
04/11/12 - HSG: Tubes open & clear. No abnormalities in the uterus. S/A: Count @ 117.5m, motility @ 70% (Both very good numbers!)
05/01/12 - Post m/c AF #12 (Whatever Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD17, 11 day LP
05/03/12 - Dr. Awesome bows out as treating physician. Referring us to an RE.
05/29/12 - Post m/c AF #13 (Whatever Cycle #4), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
06/09/12 - Giving up charting indefinitely
06/28/12 - Post m/c AF #14 (WTFever Cycle #5), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
07/25/12 - Post m/c AF #15 (TTA Cycle #8), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
08/23/12 - Post m/c AF #16 (TTA Cycle #9), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
09/05/12 - Yearly well woman w/ Dr. Awesome, he says no to new med & orders an u/s to rule out uterine polyps due to abnormal bleeding
09/18/12 - Post m/c AF #17 (TTCAL take 2 Cycle #1), O unconfirmed, unknown LP
09/19/12 - U/S -- mostly "unremarkable", but a small uterine fibroid is present.
09/26/12 - Getting back on the TTCAL horse and praying for a miracle...
10/14/12 - Put a prayer request into the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem for a healthy baby. Got AF the same damn day.
10/14/12 - Post m/c AF #18 (TTCAL Take 2 Cycle #2 - Progesterone Cream), +HPT at 9DPO
11/10/12 - Positive First Response Early Response HPT!
11/12/12 - Beta #1 - HCG: 23; P4: 9
11/13/12 - Dr. Awesome adds Crinone 8% Gel x2 per day to supplement P4
11/14/12 - Beta #2 -HCG: 57; P4: 16
12/10/12 - Cramping & spotting starts
12/14/12 - Severe cramping & bleeding starts at 2am. U/S shows no heartbeat, but hasn't passed the tissue yet. Start misoprostol to complete the process. We love you sweet baby!
12/17/12 - Follow up u/s shows Offspring still has not passed. D&C scheduled.
12/21/12 - D&C
01/03/13 - Follow up Appointment with Dr. Put on bench for 3 cycles and blood work ordered to check for clotting disorders.
01/11/13 - AF #1 (TTA Cycle #2), O confirmed on CD 17, 8 day LP
01/16/13 - Doc orders fasting serum homocysteine blood test
01/28/13 - Test results appointment...normal except MTHFR C677T mutation
02/06/13 - AF #2 (TTA Cycle #3), O confirmed on CD18, 8 day LP
03/04/13 - AF #3 (TTCAL Cycle #1), O confirmed on CD17, 11 day LP
03/28/13 - Meeting w/ RE, regime of Femara + Crinone + TI decided
04/02/13 - Meeting with RE's finance dept to go over $, due to money have to delay 1 cycle
05/03/13 - AF #4 (TTCAL Cycle #2 - Medicated), O confirmed on CD 17, 10 day LP
05/17/13 - F/U U/S shows 1 18mm Follie on right ovary, 1 13mm Follie on left ovary. Ordered to hold off on trigger, but body starts to O on it's own anyway. Trigger shot that night.
05/30/13 - BFN. Our journey is done...
02/16/15 - Surprise BFP
02/23/15 - 1st OB appt & BW (HCG: 9,498; P4: 8.7), put on Crinone
03/04/15 - Spotting in the evening
03/05/15 - 2nd OB appt & u/s (Progeny measuring 7w1d, 4 day behind based on LMP, on target based on historial O data)
04/01/15 - 3rd OB appt & quick u/s. BP is unfortunately high so 24 hour urine collection ordered as well as blood work, also have to take BP x2 daily until f/u appointment. Got to see Progeny waving his/her arms on the quick scan.
04/10/15 - NTS (Nuchal Translucency Scan) at the high risk OB's office as well as blood work. Baby measuring 12w2d (4 days behind LMP, on target based on historical O data). NT measurement was 1.7 (highest reading, the others fell below that as she took multiple measurements based on baby's position and movement) and there was a longer nasal bone. Progeny is VERY active. F/U scheduled for 04/20/15 with high risk OB.