Boy, I am awesome at dropping off the face of the Earth aren't I? What can I say? It's a gift.
So I'm back with an update and there's a lot to update.
First up, let's take a moment to celebrate the fact that I'm officially DONE with Crinone! Hallelujah! My last dose was Friday and let me tell you, was it awesome not doing it last night. Though I know it was for the welfare of Progeny, it didn't make taking that medication any easier because the stuff utterly sucks. So yay for being done!
Next, my body still wants to be a massive pain in the ass and I've developed pregnancy induced high blood pressure. It's not considered preeclampsia until after 20w, so my dx is chronic hyptertension which is a complete lie because I've always had awesome BP, but apparently that's just the medical term. So I had to do the 24 hour urine collection (ugh) and had some blood drawn. I've also been taking my BP x2 daily to monitor it. It hasn't gotten to "OMG" level yet, but it's definitely not where it should be. There is also no rhyme or reason behind the readings. They are all over the map. I have my f/u appointment Wednesday to go over my results of the urine test and blood work. We'll see if meds are needed (oh please no!)
Finally, had my NTS scan on Friday and that was awesome. Though the doctor won't give any firm readings until after they get my blood work, they did say Progeny looks great and (unofficially) is showing no markers for Down Syndrome. The nuchal translucency reading was at 1.7 (they took multiple measurements since Progeny would not sit the hell still and 1.7 was the highest, so doc said better to take the highest) and there was a lovely long nasal bone (me thinks this baby got daddy's nose) and just looks all around gorgeous and no, I'm not being biased. Not at all. We also got to see a close up of his/her heart that was beating at a healthy 167 bpm. If we're using old wives tales (which we're not, it's just fun) this baby is a girl. We'll find out soon enough.
It's surprising to say, but things appear to be progressing normally with only a few blips. Once we get the results of my b/w with the NTS, we'll probably consider announcing to our families which would be around 15-16 weeks. Kind of later, but that's okay.
I'll end it here with two incredible photos of my rockstar. The profile isn't the best one, only because Progeny was just dancing around in there so it's kind of hard to see the definition of his/her nose/mouth, but that's okay. I still think s/he is gorgeous!
Ahh!!!! I love updates!!!! So happy to hear that things are progressing relatively normally, despite the high bp. I also love the pictures, thanks for sharing them with us!