Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Uterus: Vacancy

We had our meeting with the RE yesterday, we’ll call him Dr. Magneto. Yes, I know that he was the villain in X-Men, but his real last name starts with an M so it’s fitting.

Anyway, Dr. Magneto has a plan. A good one at that.

Femara + Crinone + TI

He’s confident that my P4 deficiency is ultimately what is stopping my pregnancies. I mentioned to him that during the last pregnancy we did supplement with Crinone (after we found out it was failing), but he said that with patients who have a deficiency they really need to supplement it before a pregnancy occurs not after. He used the metaphor of a seed. You have better luck with fertilizer when you fertilize the ground prior to planting your seeds, not after. That way the nutrients are there when the seed starts to grow. So that’s what he’s hoping to do. To get my P4 to where it should be before an embryo tries to set up shop.

Since we were given the all clear from Doc back on the 18th (before I O’d) we did try this cycle so Dr. Magneto prescribed Crinone for this cycle as well, starting at 6DPO. Normally I’ll start at 2DPO, but he said it’s better than nothing. I was surprised though because he said I only need to take the Crinone every other day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m stoked about this. I absolutely hated taking it twice a day back during my pregnancy with Offspring, but I thought I took it because I had to. He said no, you don’t need it twice a day, especially since it’s delivered pretty much at the needed location (try not to visualize that!). We might have to adjust that should a pregnancy occur and it shows my P4 is still struggling, but for now once a day every other day.

If we are unsuccessful this first go, which I totally imagine we are considering we only got one attempt in, the game plan is to call his nurses line on CD1. They will set up my baseline u/s to make sure my ovaries (specifically my trouble making right one) don’t have any current cysts and then I’ll start the Femara. Followed by my psycho use of OPK’s to make sure I don’t miss my surge (thank goodness for my recent bulk purchase of 100 OPK’s!) and then it’s show time. At 2DPO I will start the Crinone in the AM’s on every other day. I am to take Crinone until 14DPO and if a pregnancy is not confirmed I will stop the supplement and allow my body to start CD1 of the next cycle.

We’re excited and a little nervous. It’s always nerve wracking to go on meds, especially when your biggest fear is you’ll end up as the Octomom. I know that Femara has a very low percentage of even twins, but I still fear that we’ll be one of “those” people. I’m also nervous about the actual side effects of the meds. Clomid turned me into a psycho one woman show who made Mommy Dearest look sane. He assured me that Femara most likely will not have the same effects, but you never know.

So that’s the dealio. We’re finally getting expert advice from the expert and it feels good. Maybe we’ll be blessed yet.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What's New?

Once upon a time I used to love blogging.

Currently I don't feel that way. Thankfully my awesome friend Jenn reminded me that it's okay that I'm depressing and down. I'm allowed to be. We just had our 2 year angelversary of our beloved Spawn and we're 3 months past our loss of Offspring. I'm allowed to be bitter and cynical so thank you Jenn for reminding me!


We have an appointment with a RE on the 27th. I know, I know, we said we weren't going to see one, but an opportunity presented itself and we have to take it. It got to the point that neither Doc nor Dr. Awesome would even prescribe progesterone for me. They just kept saying "go to the RE, go to the RE" so my mom worked her magic (I swear that woman is like the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio at times) and we have our appointment next week.

We're finally doing flooring in the house. About time right? We're starting with the downstairs floor first and then will move upstairs. We've picked out the tile and the guy is coming early next week to measure so we can order the tile. Hopefully that will get started in the next week or two. It'll be lovely to finally have new flooring.

Of course the new flooring means we'll be doing some other DIY projects that we've been putting off. Hopefully I'll get out of this funk and blog about those. We could use some happy posts right?

On the adoption front, the meeting got cancelled. We're going to schedule another one after we meet with the RE. We want to make sure we are making the right decisions for us.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Insurance, Testing and Other Jumbled Thoughts…

Let’s start with the happy news that I finally paid off my HSG from last year. Hallelujah! Took me long enough right?! Well that’s what happens when your insurance sucks and you are forced to pay for everything out of pocket. I’m not comfortable going into debt on the IF thing, so out of pocket in the form on easy monthly payments work for us.

Just in time to have that paid off too because I’m fighting with my insurance company over the blood work I had done. Apparently when the doctor’s office submitted the paperwork, they coded it as infertility testing. Uh, no. That’s not what it was for, but nice try. I spoke with my insurance company and explained the situation and they advised my doctor’s office would have to resubmit the paperwork coded correctly. So a few calls and a couple panic attacks later the paperwork was recoded and resubmitted. It’s going through the appeal process right now. Get this, if they still won’t cover it we have to pay the full $3,300 bill. Yeah, talk about freaking out.

Speaking of my blood work, interesting development. I called Doc’s office to schedule my appointment to go over the game plan for trying again. You know, progesterone when we’ll do beta’s and all that boring jazz. I remembered before I called that she had mentioned some “mutation”, but said it wasn’t important and I dismissed it thinking she was the Doc who was qualified to make that judgment. Well, when I called to make my appointment I asked the receptionist to pull my chart and just give me the name of the not important mutation.

MTHFR C677T Single Mutation

What the what?! I’ve heard the ladies on the board talk about MTHFR before so I knew there was a chance it wasn’t “not important”. I got to googling everything I could about it and I think I know why she thought it wasn’t important. Apparently the medical community is pretty divided about MTHFR and if it really plays a role in recurring losses. She could be in the camp that feels it doesn’t play a role. Well, as a woman who has had recurring losses if there is something we can easily fix to prevent them, then let’s get on it. I have a list of questions and such to go over with her. I’m sure she loves patients like me.

On the adoption front, not much going on. It's March now (yay!) which means in a few short weeks we'll have our first information session. I'm really looking forward to it. We're also working on house crap (ugh) and I think I've finally picked out flooring. Then again by tomorrow I could have changed my mind.