Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Friday, March 22, 2013

What's New?

Once upon a time I used to love blogging.

Currently I don't feel that way. Thankfully my awesome friend Jenn reminded me that it's okay that I'm depressing and down. I'm allowed to be. We just had our 2 year angelversary of our beloved Spawn and we're 3 months past our loss of Offspring. I'm allowed to be bitter and cynical so thank you Jenn for reminding me!


We have an appointment with a RE on the 27th. I know, I know, we said we weren't going to see one, but an opportunity presented itself and we have to take it. It got to the point that neither Doc nor Dr. Awesome would even prescribe progesterone for me. They just kept saying "go to the RE, go to the RE" so my mom worked her magic (I swear that woman is like the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio at times) and we have our appointment next week.

We're finally doing flooring in the house. About time right? We're starting with the downstairs floor first and then will move upstairs. We've picked out the tile and the guy is coming early next week to measure so we can order the tile. Hopefully that will get started in the next week or two. It'll be lovely to finally have new flooring.

Of course the new flooring means we'll be doing some other DIY projects that we've been putting off. Hopefully I'll get out of this funk and blog about those. We could use some happy posts right?

On the adoption front, the meeting got cancelled. We're going to schedule another one after we meet with the RE. We want to make sure we are making the right decisions for us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you wrote a blog post. :) And I'm glad to hear about all your updates. I will be anxiously waiting to hear what the RE has to say and I can't wait to see pics of the new flooring!
