Today marks day 3 of my 5 day Clomid cycle. So far so good on the side effects. I was told to take it at night to try to prevent side effects from affecting me too much. That's a great theory. Of course as luck would have it the only side effect I have so far just wakes me up from a dead sleep, that would be hot flashes. Holy mother of all that is holy they are brutal! I have a new found respect for all women going through menopause because the hot flashes are murder! Other than the hot flashes though, so far no other side effects. I'm trying to not get my hopes up over it since I have heard of women getting them after they complete the 5 day run. That will be my luck. Check back in a week, I very well may be losing my mind over them.
Other than the Clomid, not much to report. I'm still really early in my cycle so things are too crazy yet, but we're getting there! In a few days I'll start the never ending stressing over trying to read my OPK's and after I do ovulate, then it's the REAL stress....the two week wait! Ugh, my weeks just got longer.
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