Well, there you have it. I DID in fact O on CD21!! Now I start the stressin' about my LP! Like I said before, I'm not greedy it doesn't need to be anything very spectacular, just 11 days. That's all I want, 11 days. Don't get me wrong, if I go like 12-16 days I will be ELATED, but I'm trying to remain realistic. Now that my O is confirmed, the big question will need to be answered.....Will we start trying again on CD1? The answer is.....no. I thought for sure I would be ready, but now that the time is approaching in the next week or so, I'm just not there yet.
Surprisingly enough my desire to wait doesn't really have much to do with my emotions. It has more to do with feeling like there are a couple things I want/need to do before we try again. I want to keep working out and eating healthy and lose a few more pounds. I am not aiming for model skinny, lets face it my body shape will never allow that. I am just aiming to give my body a bit of an edge (and to fit into my pants.) We are also this close to having another credit card paid off. Every penny helps right? I also want to make it through my sister's shower. I know that sounds silly, but my mom and I have A LOT left to do and I don't want to be stressing about timing and such during the final weeks.
I'm fairly confident that cycle #4 is going to be our "Go" cycle, but we'll just have to wait to see when CD1 of cycle 4 hits. If we feel we are ready, great. If we feel we need to wait another cycle, well then we wait another cycle.
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