Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a pretty hectic week around this house and this is actually the first time I've had my computer on in over a week!!!

Lets start with the beginning, last Saturday we painted! My dad came over and helped T and I paint a few walls downstairs. It was a lot of fun, we learned a lot and I am in love with the color! I'll have to take some pics to post. The day was going so well and we were in such a great mood and then tragedy struck. Around 9 pm we noticed our AC started making some weird noises and almost as quickly as they started, they stopped...as did our AC. Yep, in the great state of AZ our AC died! It was hell, literally.

Of course since we have all the luck, the guy couldn't fix it until AFTER the holiday weekend. When Tuesday came, we still couldn't get it fixed. I was borderline psychotic at this point. The temp in the house was out of control. I'm not talking a warm temp, I'm talking take your breath away.

Even in the morning it was terrible. Thankfully we were able to get 2 portable air conditioners, 1 from my in-laws, 1 from my parents. Without those we would have died. We were so excited when they finally fixed our AC on Wednesday. It's been lovely ever since!

Of course, during the god awful heat issue in the house my body decides to O. Awesome. Using the OPK's wasn't too bad, despite my bathroom feeling like a sauna, my body temps though were all over the map.

I'll be curious to see what FF does with my crosshairs since my temps do not correspond with my OPK's. Time will tell. Speaking of the baby front, I had my blood drawn today to check my progesterone. I'm anxious to see what the results are as it will impact when we do decide to start trying again. I'm thinking that our go date will be soon! [insert excited squeal here]

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