Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I'm in O hell here! I'm on CD17 and there is STILL no O in sight which has me so flippin' irritated. I hoped that it was the brand of OPK's I was using (Walgreens) so I bought a different brand today and got even worse results if you can believe that. The test result line is actually getting lighter instead of darker. Ugh!

I know, you are probably squinting to even see the line, but trust me, it's there. I had that bad boy up against the light so I know there IS a line, it's just so flippin' faint. My temps aren't even better. They're just as shitty as my OPK's.

Talk about bipolar temps. I'm hot, no I'm cold, no I'm warm, back to cold. It's enough to drive a sane person mad (not that I was sane to begin with, but you get my point.) I know we're not trying this cycle, or even next, but I really want my body to get back to normal so when we do try I've got it down. This taking forever to O is making me get worried that maybe I have issues with my LP. If I do, that would explain my miscarriage with Spawn. Unfortunately women who have short LP's are more likely to miscarry which sucks. If I DO have LP issues, I'd like to know before getting pregnant again so we can be aggressive on the front end with progresterone supplements. I am definitely going into the next pregnancy a lot more aware of not only my body, but the entire process.

So body, get your shit together!

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