Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Operation De-Whale: Week 6

Weekly Lost: -1.4 pounds (Realistic/I Wish Goal: -2 pounds/-2 pounds)
Total Lost: -7.2 pounds (Realistic/I Wish Goal: -10.2 pounds/-13 pounds)
Days Worked Out: 1/5

Well, not by any means impressive, but I’m pleased that at least the scale is still going down. The number of times I worked out is also lacking luster, but I hope that this week I’ll be able to handle at least 2-3 sessions.

That reminds me, I never reported on my new DVD’s. I did “Element: Ballet Conditioning” last week and it literally took me 3 days to recover. The DVD itself isn’t too hard, if you have prior dance experience. It’s not so much the skill level as it is about the verbiage. The instructor uses ballet terms so if you’ve never danced, you’d probably spend a good chunk of time trying to figure out what she’s talking about. That’s not to say someone who hasn’t danced couldn’t do this, it would just be a little more difficult.

The length of the session is just under an hour and while that might sound like a long time, it absolutely flies by. The instructor is very soft spoken and they play soft music in the background so it’s very soothing and relaxing. The hour whizzed by in my opinion.

As for the intensity, I thought it was weak..at first. Sure my arms got slightly sore from holding them up so much and my thighs burned a little bit. I actually said to myself “Awesome, this won’t help me lose weight at all.” I mean, I barely broke a sweat. Then came morning and the feeling like my body had been hit and run over by a bus. EVERYTHING hurt. My legs were so incredibly sore. It hurt to sit down. It hurt to walk. It hurt to take the stairs. No matter what I did, it hurt. I completely forgot how many muscles you actually use.

Overall, I’m very pleased with this specific DVD. It’s relaxing, but very challenging and works quite a few muscles you never knew existed. It’s also good for people whose problem area is their legs/thighs. Your arms will get toned, simply from holding them up, but it does focus a lot on your legs. This is great for me because my thighs are something that I would like to tone up like yesterday. I’m going to stick with this DVD until it loses my interest and then try the next one. Figured the 3 should keep me intrigued for a while.

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