Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

RE Bound

I finally got around to calling Dr. Awesome’s office this morning to find out the game plan. HSG came back normal, SA came back normal, so I kind of wanted to find out where we go from here. Figured I would be told to come in and speak with Dr. Awesome. Go over the results in depth and talk about which med we’ll try next after our trip. You’d think at this point I would stop trying to guess how things would go, but apparently I never learn.

His nurse called me back and proceeded to shatter my world. Dr. Awesome is bowing out as our treating physician and his medical recommendation is to move to an RE. I quite literally said “huh?” I thought the RE came after another failed 3 cycles on a different med. Not after our HSG and SA come back normal! I guess the fact that they came back normal is what has him perplexed. There is something going on and he’s just not able to figure it out. So instead of wasting more of our time, he’s pushing us towards a doctor who will know what to look for and how to treat it.

The water works started almost immediately as I was writing down the RE’s information, which of course is awesome since I was sitting at my desk at work! His nurse was kind and said as soon as we make our appointment with the RE to call Dr. Awesome’s office and they’ll send all the records over. She politely wished us good luck and that was it. I then proceeded to haul some serious ass to the ladies room holding onto what little control I had left. I got inside the stall and a full on ugly cry ensued.

We knew this was a strong possibility. We knew there was a chance we could have to go to an RE. This isn’t news to us, but it still hurt like almighty hell to hear it. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I was supposed to get pregnant on our first cycle of Clomid, like so many other ladies, and be excited that all it took was a measly little pill to fix things.

The plan now is to wait until after we get our 2012 tax return for our consultation with the RE. We’ll see what he has to say and make our decisions once we have a better idea of what we are looking at. Funny how things went from “Woo hoo we’re having a 2011 baby!” to “If we’re lucky we’ll have a 2014 baby.” I’ll be honest; I’m losing hope…fast.

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