Our journey in living, loving and learning after loss.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Operation De-Whale: Week 4

Weekly Lost: +2.8 pounds (Realistic/I Wish Goal: -2 pounds/-2 pounds)
Total Lost: -3.2 pounds (Realistic/I Wish Goal: -6.2 pounds/-9 pounds)
Days Worked Out: 1/5

Alright, can I get real for a second here? This morning after my near epic meltdown over my 2.8 pound gain, I started to really think about my weight loss goals and why I’m having such a hard time sticking with it. Last year, getting on the horse was super easy and staying up there was even easier. I was focused, I was determined. I lost 60 pounds like it was nothing. This second go around has been miserably difficult and I think I figured out why.

When people set their goals, I think they tend to go with what the “average” is. At least, I know I did. According to the vast majority of charts I should be at a certain weight. That weight is what drove my “I Wish” goal. I did some additional research and came across this. Something that takes into account your body frame. I’ve always known I had a large frame (been told many times that I should have played football!) so finally seeing something take that into account completely changed how I look at weight loss. Then it clicked, maybe the reason I’m having such a hard time staying focused is because deep down I know I’m aiming for something my body very well may never allow.

Looking back, I was never super thin. I could never wear the ultra-cool Guess jeans. I could never wear the cute tops. I’ve always had to buy a size up to accommodate my broad shoulders. I’m not sure why I thought I could try to aim for a goal weight that is actually meant for a small frame. Wishful thinking maybe? Who knows. All I know is that I completely set myself up for failure in this and because of that, I’ve been failing miserably.

Now, I’m not adjusting my goal per say, I’m just getting a little more realistic here. My original goal was a weight loss of 53 pounds. My more realistic goal is a weight loss of 40.2 pounds. I’m still going to aim for my “I Wish” goal, but as long as I stay with the “Realistic” goal I’ll be happy.

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