I almost don’t want to even post this. I feel
like I must hang my head in shame, but in the effort of full disclosure, I want
to show that even an educated person can get caught up in the hoopla.
This is not news, but usually the first cycle back into really trying I
get crazy. I think somewhere in the back of my ridiculous mind I tell myself
that we have a fresh attitude, I’m not as stressed, so maybe this cycle will be
different. Then adding in the progesterone cream doesn’t help. Even though I
know the odds of it impacting anything, let alone on the first cycle of use, are
low in my Pollyanna mind it’s going to be the thing that takes us home.
Not only have I gone back to reference my post detailing the days
leading up to my BFP with Spawn, I’ve gone so far as to look at + HPT’s on FF to
try to figure out about when I should start testing. I know that I should wait
until at least 12DPO. I know this. But in the back of my positive thinking mind
I’m saying “well, you could get a BFP at 10DPO.”
I’ve even looked at
baby stuff this month. Optimistic much? I’ve started comparing strollers and
looking at car seats and deciding where I want to register. In some ways I’m
like a chick that’s just started trying and is in the blissful naïve world of
thinking this is it.
In the back of my head I’m screaming to myself
“this is why you always break down on CD1. You build it up too much.” The other
part though is just clinging to that positive thinking. I think in some ways I’m
subconsciously trying to cling to that positive attitude because I’ve spent a
long time now in the negative. While I know it’s going to make CD1 that much
harder and depressing, I want to in a lot of ways allow myself the chance to
actually be excited again. To give myself that brief glimpse back to a time when
we were la-di-da about this.
The only good part about this is when CD1
shows (which the sane part of me is 99.9% sure is going to be soon) I’ll
probably quickly return to my safety net of negativity and pessimism because
quite honestly, putting that negativity wall up and not allowing that excited
feeling back in is about the only thing that helps me through failed cycle after
failed cycle.
For now, I think I’m going to let myself be crazycakes…
2WW can suck a nut. Sorry it's getting the best of you. FU 2WW.