Today was my m/c f/u appointment. Thankfully it was not as bad as I had played it in my mind. There were no pregnant women waiting (Halle-fucking-lujah!) I was called back relatively quickly and unfortunately, put in the same room that I was in when I was pregnant. Ugh. The medical assistant was nice, but tried to offer her support. She said all the cliche phrases like "things happen for a reason" and "m/c's are very common." I get that she was trying to help me, but I would much rather someone say the truth like "this sucks!"
Waiting wasn't too terrible and my doc came in after only about 5 min. The appointment itself was over in about 5 minutes. She went over my numbers with me, which are at 116, not under 100 like I was originally told. Obviously I will need to do another beta in 2 weeks to make sure I'm at zero. Otherwise, she's "happy" with how my body has handled the process and told us after 2 cycles we can jump on the saddle again. Whether or not we actually do then is unknown at this time. She did say that next time I get pregnant, they are going to follow my pregnancy more closely during the 1st tri.
I would love to say that our shit sandwhich is done, but apparently we are only starting it. T was rearended in his work vehicle this afternoon. Thankfully he is fine, just stiff and sore, but did have to go to the ER to get checked out (work orders). The entire way to the hospital I just kept looking at the sky and yelling "seriously?! Who did I piss off up there?" I'm sure other drivers thought I was bat shit crazy. It did suck that T was at the same hospital though where I was when we lost Spawn. I was cracking some jokes though because of course T gets a nice room with a cushy bed, for a back injury. I was practically bleeding my entire weight and was put into a broom closet with NO bed. WTF?! I'm totally wearing his badge the next time I go to the ER. I'll just fake the authority.
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